Sunday, 16 October 2011

Creature of the Night by Kate Thompson

Title: Creature of the Night
Author: Kate Thompson
Genre: Horror, Urban fantasy
Pages: 250

My rating: 4 stars of 5
'I'm not staying here. There's nothing to do. No way to get out of your head.'
My friend recommended this book to me so I decided to give it a go. This book is nothing like I expected it to be. Also I found this was well written and very gripping so the author made sure I kept reading because I really wanted to know what happened in the end. And the ending was really touching and it made me want to cry. I get that feeling at the end of books of sadness because I've finished it and I know everything, there's no more.

Bobby is a ganster, in a group with the lads. He steals stuff, he drinks illegally, he smokes underage and he argues with his ma 24/7. He lives in Dublin with his family who are his ma and Dennis, his little half-Brother but his ma decides to up sticks and move to the country and Bobby's not happy. This means he has to leave the lads behind and the streets and the alleys he used to hang out in to go and live somewhere where there's nothing to do. He hates it, and so many times he tries to escape back to Dublin, by stealing a car but he runs into trouble instead and has to pay off the car to their landlord, P.J. Dooley, so he goes to work on their farm. Meanwhile Dennis claims he is seeing ghosts and a little woman at night and it turns out that Bobby's half-brother is as stupid as he seems...

There are parts during the story where it goes on about him in his job but on the whole it
is thoroughly enjoyable and gripping right until the end. I loved it :)  


1 comment:

  1. Checking out your blog and writing. Looks really good. DM from GoodReads
